So, 2024 was a good year for me, artistically! Not only did I have “ Memories of Relics and Summer “ published in Splash 25, I also fulfilled a lifelong dream of getting gallery representation! My work is now available in South Shore Gallery, in my new hometown of Sooke! Yay! Sooke images, there. I am delighted to be in such fine company!!!
Splash 25 is out!!!
Well, “Splash 25: The Best of Watercolor” is finally out, so I had to include my page and juror, Thomas Schaller's notes! I am so proud to be part of this! It's a dream come true for me! To be included in such a prestigious publication is an incredible honour.
Excited about this!!!
My big, multi panel painting, called “ Memories of Relics and Summer “ has been selected for publication in Splash 25: Best of Watercolor! It comes out in July!!! Woo Hoo!!
Multipanel Adventure..
Well, I went out on a limb to create REALLY BIG ART! Yes, this is a memory piece, but it's the biggest painting I have ever done. And it took me a really, really long time…like nine months worth of long time! I still don't know what to call it, yet. It's both a macro image of an old, rusty piece of derelict logging equipment , from the our favourite beach and a memory of many wonderful summer nights, walking back from the boat after fishing with friends. Life is good. Hey! Maybe that's a title!
Sooke Fine Arts Show Again!
I am so excited to be again, part of the Sooke Fine Arts Show! This year it's in person…running from July 22nd to August 1st. I don't think I will post my accepted painting, here, so if you decide to attend, it's a surprise! A hint, though.. it's another “ memory “ piece, and it's big, really, really big! 😉
In Illustrious Company
So, I just sold the painting that was in Sooke Fine Arts Show to a lovely couple of art collectors… my painting now keeps company with Salvador Dali, Jack Shadbolt and Bill Reid!! How cool is that???
Sooke Fine Arts Show Demo Video
This is about starting a watercolour… processes, paint choices, preserving whites… let me know what you think! Also, I plan to do more videos, linked to my website subscriptions, so suggestions are welcome!
My new gallery!!!
I feel fortunate to have been picked up by South Shore Gallery, in Sooke! It's at 2046 Otter Point Road, Sooke, BC.
250 642 2058
Savary Island Art Show!!
I have picked dates and have a location for a show on Savary!! I open at The Hacienda, in the Wired Corgi, on July 23rd and 24th… work will still be available for sale and orders throughout the rest of the summer! There will be originals and reproductions of my Savary Island series… spread the word! It's a joyous occasion, being able to actually see people… 😁😁😁
Lund Water Taxi is an icon of island life here… everyone who has been to the island has memories of riding on this boat… the challenge, for me, was to capture the passage of time, and the ethereal nature of my memories of this piece of island life! This painting is 22x30…