Springtime Painting

I took the pictures for this one during the height of the first wave of the pandemic, while hiding out at our happy place… I discovered that I love our island in the “off season “ as much as I do in summer. Spring, with all the Shasta daisies and puffy white clouds was so refreshing for the spirit during really scary times.

North View Daisies

North View Daisies

Starting a new one!!!

When I start a new piece, I begin with my image being drawn on paper, and a slog through making sure I can find what I want to see in the piece. But until I wrap my brain around how to paint it, the magic hasn't started for me… Then, once I get to a certain point, I get excited about what is happening. I'm excited about this one, now…


Finishing a painting...

So I finished the last piece… It’s called, “ Memories of Front Beach”. I actually felt sad to finish it! It’s like when you finish reading a good book, and wish there were a few more chapters! And…. it sold, while I was painting my signature on it! This one is reflective of what the beach was like both during the time of Covid, and before… It is layered to show the beach looking both east and west simultaneously.

I took a day off, then chose a new image to paint. The first stages aren’t anywhere as much fun as the last ones… so, the work has begun again! Maybe I will post more along the way…

Memories of Front Beach

Memories of Front Beach

Next in the series about memory and my happy place

In case you thought I wasn't making any art... this is my current studio space... I take over the dining table! Next in the series about memory and my happy place...well under way!

So this is about the beach that you see when you first arrive on the island.  We call it “Front Beach". The people who have cabins here leave their chairs and umbrellas parked in the sand in front of their cabins. I will repost when it's either furt…

So this is about the beach that you see when you first arrive on the island. We call it “Front Beach". The people who have cabins here leave their chairs and umbrellas parked in the sand in front of their cabins. I will repost when it's either further along, or done…


Finished number four of my series! This one is , as yet, unnamed. It's about the mornings when the work crews arrive at the wharf...

About my new series...

My new work is about the fractured, layered  moments in time that create memory; it is about the images that are on the fringes of our consciousness, and that remain with us because they are how we experience the everyday moments of our lives. I am layering and combining multiple images and looking at them all at the same time!  I want to capture the emotional experiences of the moments included in my imagery.

My new series contains the key elements of my previous work, in that my watercolours are still high contrast, with saturated colours, but the images now have a fractured quality, that, to me, represents how memory is broken and contains pieces of realism. At first glance, the images appear quite abstract, but as one approaches, parts of images come together to tell the “story”.

Departure Memories watermarked.jpg
On and Off the Dock...
Dinghy Dreams edited and watermarked.jpg

New Ventures!!!

This fall, I was contacted by a company from Montreal, called “Le Galeriste”. They make clothing and housewares using Canadian art… so, the upshot is that now I have a clothing/ housewares line with my paintings as fabric! The online address is art-a-porter.com/kathy.baker
