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If a special person, place or moment is close to your heart, you can commission me to recreate it in a painting you will love. Commissions are priced by the square inch, from under $100 for the smallest, to artwork on a grand scale, whichever size suits you best. Simply send me a note via the Contact page, and I'll get right back to you!
If a special person, place or moment is close to your heart, you can commission me to recreate it in a painting you will love. Commissions are priced by the square inch, from under $100 for the smallest, to artwork on a grand scale, whichever size suits you best. Simply send me a note via the Contact page, and I'll get right back to you!
Dock Memories
This piece commemorates the shared experiences that kids have on Savary, of jumping off the dock. There are those who leap, unafraid, and those who stand on the edge, contemplating whether it’s cold or a long way down! Eventually, all true Savary kids take the leap!
Simone's Dad
This is a custom watercolour portrait based on a favourite photo, that was provided to me by the client. She requested that I do the background using my poured watercolour technique. The piece was then mounted onto a cradled panel and varnished.
Painting small children requires different techniques than painting people who have wrinkles! This commission was a Christmas gift from a doting uncle!
Mission Bridge
This was one of a series of commissions of Mission landmarks, for clients who loved a painting that had already sold at my solo show. They decided that favourite local landmarks would be something special that they would love to keep, to remind them of their home town. I was told what landmarks that they wanted, and I knew which painting appealed to them, so, This one and the next two pieces were the result.
This painting resulted from someone coming to my home, and seeing my work on the wall! He asked me to paint a favourite view of a place where he and his son loved to go camping. A second image is in progress, now!
Artwork for a new house, of a favourite family photo! Framed and painted to match the decor…we aim to please!
This is a second commission, of the client’s favourite camping spot.
Jean wanted an image of herself to leave to her kids. We took lots of photos, chose a favourite image, and this is the result!
Kai and Tea
This one was a treasured family memory… they were at Disneyland on a family vacation and it started to pour. No one but Dad had a coat, so the kids shared…