Memory is a funny thing. We use it to try to hold onto times and places, but how we remember is so individual. For me, I find that things that may seem insignificant, like the views out of a car window, or waiting for a water taxi to leave a dock, are actually some of the images that I treasure the most. I value ordinary, quiet moments and things that are on the periphery of the big events and scenes of my life.

Memories of Relics and Summer
This nine panel painting ( each one is 20"x20”) is about special summer memories for me! It commemorates some wonderful evenings, walking back from fishing trips with friends on beautiful summer evenings. It also shows a macro image of an old logging winch which sits on a beach where we spend our summers. I think the textures of rusting metal and trees are so suited to watercolour painting techniques! I am delighted that this piece was chosen to be published in Splash 25, which comes to news stands and book stores in July 2024! Yippee!

Echos of Victoria
Victoria has beautiful, old architecture. This piece celebrates this, with snippets of sidewalk cafe umbrellas and people strolling on the pedestrian walkways near Bastion Square and the Parliament Buildings. The image is 17.25x 27.75 inches, framed to 27.75x 37.75 inches. It is still currently in my personal collection, momentarily, but it is for sale! Its price is $1950.00.

Deuce Days
Every three years, Victoria hosts a huge car show, that fills the Inner Harbour and all the spaces around the Parliament Buildings. The cars are from the 1920s and 30s. This image is a memory of that event, complete with cars, people and some of my favourite places in Downtown Victoria. Fan Tan Alley and the Parliament Buildings are in there! This piece is 25.25 inches by 35.5 inches. Unframed, the piece is $2800.

Fuel Coupe 15
This is another image celebrating Duece Days, and the wonderful shapes and colours of the old cars and architecture. This one is 16x16 inches, and is priced at $1000, framed.

Slack Tide
This image reminds me of many magical evenings spent on the water, chasing the evening slack tide, because that’s when the fishing is best… It’s also so calm, with the sky mirrored on the water, when the world reveals its best light shows. These are some of our most treasured memories of summer! This painting is 21x29, and is going to be mounted on cradled panel and framed. The price is $2590.

Summer Encounters
This piece is about memories of the slower pace of summer. Summer is golden and slower, filled by moments shared with friends and family, doing the easy things like walking the dog, going for a bike ride and just enjoying nature. Available for purchase. This piece is mounted on canvas and priced at $950.00

Departure Memories
This is the first piece of my new series about memory…. check out my blog for information about how and why I am doing this series… the painting is 16x28, and done in watercolour, of course! It’s primarily about arriving or leaving my happy place, Savary Island… If you have been there, you’ll get it!! Unframed, it is priced at $1150.

Waiting for the Water Taxi
There is a water taxi to get to our island. On one spring trip, we were sitting, waiting for a late passenger, and the fogging on the windows attracted my attention… For this piece, I painted the faces, traditionally, then masked them off. I then did six successive layers of liquid watercolour, masking each value, from light to dark. This image is a half sheet of watercolour paper. That measures 15”x22”. Unframed, this is priced at $850.

Road Trip
I often end up in the back seat on family road trips, because i am the only one who doesn’t suffer from motion sickness, and I prefer my kid when he isn’t miserable! We were driving up the Sunshine Coast highway, and I wanted to preserve the moment! This was done , partially, at two Artist Demos for Opus Framing and Art Supplies. It’s a poured watercolour, with two layers done with liquid paint, and a third layer done traditionally, to add in the final details.

This painting has the same dream like quality as my memories of Savary . This painting is 21” x28” and is sold, but archival prints are available.

I love the shapes and patterns of the dinghies, traps and rocks on the beaches, marking summer peoples’ spots, where they moir their boats. Come winter, they are gone, either put away, or washed away by the tides…

This piece is about the local water taxi…everyone who has come to our beloved island has been on this boat at one time or another! The challenge, here, was to convey the sense of the passage of time, that the boat keeps coming and going… it’s kind of eternal, like island life. This original is sold, but prints are available.

Floating On Trees
This is another Savary Island image, made surreal by layers of boats on the wharf and a special sunset view from a friend's place on Dragon Lady Lane… This image is sold, but prints are available.

I call my latest piece about memories of Savary Island "Waiting". It's a familiar image for anyone who has travelled to magical places on the coast, and experienced the anticipation of beach time, or the sadness when leaving the adventures behind to return to the "real world"... Consider it a happy thought! This painting is 16x20… mounted on cradled panel, varnished, waxed and framed. This piece is available through South Shore Gallery, in Sooke, BC.

North View Daisies
Just before the beginning of the pandemic, my family was up at Savary Island, so when everything shut down, we stayed put. I had a lot of time to walk and paint, and the spring there, was absolutely enchanting. I couldn’t resist layering the shasta daisies with one of my favourite views on the north side of the island. It was a reminder that, despite the anxiety and fear that Covid generates, one can still find beauty and peace in nature. This piece is a “happy thought”… sorry, the original is sold. Prints are available.

Memories of Front Beach
Appropriately enough, this piece was created when the lockdown was at its height. It layers the Front Beach both deserted during the lockdown, with what it was like last summer… If you look closely, you can see people on the beach, cars and the hut on the end of the wharf and the beach furniture that is left in front of peoples’ cabins. I think it gave me a sense of reminiscing about summers in better times! It also has layered views looking both east and west on the beach. It did strike a chord with one lovely lady; she bought it as I was signing my name on the piece! Reproductions are still available, though!

Workday Mornings
16x20 painting about the morning water taxi that brings workers to Savary… It is mounted on cradled panel, varnished and waxed, and sells for $975.

"No Diving Off the Wharf"
All true Savary-ites have a rite of passage; the sunset dock-jump, that appropriately happens every summer evening, in full view of the sign that says “No Diving off the Wharf”! Welcome to Savary… This piece is 24x30, and the original has been sold. Contact me if you are interested in an archival print, though!

Savary Moment
One Spring Break, we headed up to our Happy Place, and on a gorgeous sunny afternoon, we stopped off for a visit with some of our neighbours and friends. This image is of a couple of friends talking over wine, while we enjoyed the sun on the water.

This is a poured watercolour of some old bikes that I saw leaning against someone’s porch on Savary.. I was attracted to the strong shapes and light! It’s just an itty bitty little piece, measuring 6”x6”, and it’s mounted on cradled panel, varnished and waxed. It’s priced at $ 112.

Fishing on the Dock
This was one of my first paintings that was accepted into a Federation of Canadian Artists juried exhibits. It showed in the AIRS show, in my first year as a member of the FCA. The image is of my husband, and three year old son. My son decided that he wanted to learn to fish, so we bought him a small, plastic Spiderman fishing rod. It didn’t even have any line on it, but he was happy, anyway! (We now all fish for real, btw!)

Shopping for Fish
The characters at the Steveston Fish Market were delightful. I did this piece for a juried show with the FCA, called “Sketch”. It did get accepted, btw!

Memory on a Map
Just for fun, I chose to paint this memory of a perfect evening, on an antique nautical chart. The image is done in watercolour and a bit of ink. It was donated and sold at an auction for The Autism Support Network.

Granville Island Market
Every time I walk in the red doors into the market, I am attracted to the colours and shapes of all the produce stacked there. This guy was putting some fruit out on display. This is another poured painting, with three layers. This one is gone… but I can do reproductions if you like!

Merritt Viewpoint
I just laughed at the bookends looking at the view! This was an earlier poured watercolour, but, sorry, it’s sold…

Sunning on Granville Island
I loved the designs of the repeated shapes, and the two sunbathers mirrors of each other.

Landing at Mission Station
This piece is the first of a series that I am just starting, of images taken out of the windows of the West Coast Express. I took the train into town one snowy morning, so I could avoid driving in bad weather, and the views on the trip home were absolutely captivating. This image was in the evening, as people were leaving the station to go home.